This is the 3rd year that our family has participated in the Alzheimers 5k at East Lawn downtown, and every year we have a blast!It was Henry's first year doing the kids 1/4 mile. He was so hilarious... as he ran into the finish he was going all serpantine, wiggling his legs and running all over the place. Brian ran with him and said he did that the entire time. What a wierdo!!! He had so much fun and had the HUGEST smile on his face when he got his little medal.MaryEllen moved up an age division this year into the 6- 8 year old 1/2 mile group. I was so proud of her! She was obviously one of the younger kids running, and she hung right in there with the older kids.This was my second year singing the National Anthem and I am proud to say that I over came my fear of the green metal platform. (It's a rickety stairway with a platform and rail at the top... last year I climbed to the top and started singing, like I was supposed to, but I was so scared that the thing was going to collapse under me that my voice shook for the first half of the song! I've sung the National Anthem at more events in my life than I can count, so I don't get nervous about that at all... but that platform! Yikes!!!!) I think I sounded good... better than last year at least!Brian, Emmett, and I all did the 5k. Emmett and I took the first mile at a leisurely 22 minutes. I'm not kidding. One drawback of singing is that the starting gun blows just as I'm getting down, which means I have no choice but to join the slowpokes at the back of the pack. I tried my best after breaking free from them, but was still disappointed with my time. Meanwhile Brian, who has a potentially surgery requiring pulled muscle in his thigh and hasn't run in who knows how long, put in a clock busting time of 31 minutes. Amazing!We had a great time and are happy to have this event as a yearly tradition for our family. We are proud to honor Brian's Grandma Lucienne's memory and hope we can continue for years to come!
Henry at the start line.
Finishing strong!
Daddy helps him show off his gold medal.
MaryEllen is Excited to get running!
Proudly sporting her medal.
Trying not to look nervous...
and facing the green- staired monster.