Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Emmett's first 1st birthday party

(As opposed to his second 1st birthday party coming up on his actual birthday.)

We had a party for Emmett and cousin Nathaniel(7) last Saturday. It was a lot of fun and Emmett had a great time his first time around eating cake and opening presents!

Looking dapper, as always.

Present time!!

My mom made these matching dresses and scripture totes for each of the girls, and they did a little fashion show for us.

Blowing out the candles with Nathaniel... Nathaniel did most of the work, of course.

The cake I made. It was supposed to be a round cake with big cake Lego's on the top, but that didn't work out. So I had to figure something else out using only the materials I had. I'm pretty proud considering it was completely unplanned!

chowing down!

The 2 birthday boys!



Nicole Hernandez said...

I can't believe he's 1 already! Time sure flies (he's really cute)You are a genius cake maker! I could never pull that off!

Shirley said...

that cake looks awesome!

Nicole said...

LOL that is exactly what he is saying in that last picture.

Summer said...

Fabulous job on the cake. You have a talent there!

Sheila said...

Wow, I totally agree with Nicole, already 1?? Time goes so quickly. GREAT CAKE!! I LOVE IT!! You are super talented Lori, so impressed!